Don't fall victim to malware…

Jun 15, 2020 | Anti Virus

Even the very best most protected systems could still fall victim to malware through bad luck, human error, or a whole host of other factors,  but early detection can still save the day.
Businesses rely on IT infrastructure for day to day operation. With the high volume of malware that is around it is highly likely that at some point your business will suffer an infection or breach of some sort. Having adequate antivirus software like those from ESET can greatly reduce this chance.
When malware is successful its main priority is to avoid detection. Malware wants to enter, complete its task and then leave without anyone noticing.
Spotting malware on your system could be as simple as identifying a program, file, process or service that wasn’t there before.
Keeping up to date with common attack methods is an absolute must. Ensuring your internet security, operating systems and applications are all on the latest versions and updating regularly will assist in combating cyber criminals.
User training and network monitoring all make up the multi layered approach that’s needed in this modern day cyber war. Tis multi layered approach really is the key tenant of modern IT security. Get all the layers you can, with the personnel to use them, with appropriate user education you’ve got the best chance of avoiding or mitigating a potential attack.
One of the easiest ways to ensure you are protected is to outsource a quality IT support company
Here at Erud IT we partner with ESET to provide one of the most comprehensive and cost-effective cyber security range of products available. We can remotely install and manage your security, giving you peace of mind that you are monitored and up to date.